
Friday, 9 December 2011

Friend, Come Higher

Peter, from Franco Zeffirelli's Jesus of Nazareth
“You are Simon son of John. You will be called Cephas” (which, when translated, is Peter, the rock). John 1:42

Yes, I do know you.
I see you
and know you better than you know yourself.

I know you are friable.
I know you can crumble,
though these things may surprise you.

But your strength shall emerge from the weakness
you shall thoroughly conquer,
and thoroughly renounce.

I am calling you
from being Peter, the impulsive,
to becoming Peter who unshakeably loves me,
who is built rocklike on the bedrock of me.

I am calling you from being a fisherman
to being a fisher of men.

Following my will
will always lead you upward and onward
to a higher place.

Friend, come higher.
Come follow me.


  1. I found this poem so arresting that it stopped me in my tracks! I have ordered both of your books; don't know why I didn't do it sooner as this blog always speaks to me.

  2. Oh thanks so much, Mandy. The first book, "Wandering between Two Worlds" contains essays written through my twenties, thirties and maybe early forties. The second one was written after a very vivid dream, in which I felt God spoke to me. I wrote down the story of the dream hoping it might speak or have meaning for other people too.
    So glad you liked the poem!


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