Enjoying our retreat at Ffald-y-Brenin in Pemrokeshire
National Park in Wales.
It was running at full occupancy, and as Roy Godwin explains
in his book, The Grace Outpouring,
when there is a rumour that Jesus is to be found there, it draws crowds.
The place has been soaked in prayer and blessing, as Roy
Godwin says, and there is something in the air. Our daughters had been given
the bigger rooms with the bed and chairs facing the window, whereas we had the
smaller room, with the bed and chairs facing away. Not good for someone who
loves to read and write in bed facing a window. I wanted to swap rooms. A mini-tantrum
I tried blessing. “X, I know you are going to surprise us
all with how good and kind and loving and understanding you are going to be.”
She pouted, but never mentioned it again, whereas normally,
she would have persisted and pressed until she got her own way. Magic in the
air, huh? The girls seems to be enjoying a mixture of prayer, Bible reading,
and their own secular reading, and study, in Zoe’s case.
There is healing and faith in the air. I prayed for healing
for the adrenal fatigue which I had suffered from for several years, since the
early years of my marriage really, and perhaps before that. Its main sign was a
severely diminished reading speed (from the days in which I could gulp down a
book a day, and sit reading for pretty much 12 -14 hours at a stretch, which I used
to do until my mid-twenties, very unhealthy).
Somehow, I felt I had been healed of this, and was surprised
at how rapidly I was reading again. I am
reading a fairly dense but well-written readable book, Diarmaid MacCullough’s
history of Christianity, rapidly and with great enjoyment. Of course, being
self-conscious about reading speed and techniques is like watching oneself play
the piano or touch-type. You will be watching yourself rather than immersing
yourself in flow, and that will slow you down!
Normally, when I have the opportunity to pray for extended
periods of time, I have an agenda. I seek God’s wisdom for this, blessing for
that, direction for this…
This time, I just wanted to hang out, and see what he might
have to say to me. God has been very kind to me over the last couple of years
in terms of guidance and vision, and this time I wanted to pray
Search me, Oh Lord, and know my heart
Try me and know my anxious thoughts
I asked God to show me what he might see in me which he’d
want me to change.
He pointed out a detail. Ouch!
* *
The one sure thing about God is that He is a giver. He is generous.
He loves to give to those who slow down enough to receive—love to gives
blessings, guidance, vision, wisdom. What James says is really true—if anyone
lacks wisdom, he would turn to God who giveth to all generously.
One area God spoke to me was about reading Scripture, and I
am going to return to my old habit of reading 5 chapters a day from today.
Another was about writing down the things I hear him say
immediately rather than make a note to blog about them later. I am becoming
distinctly middle-aged, and sometimes forget the depth of vision behind these
scribbled noted.
Some days, in which I am receptive, I might hear God speak
several times, and say several things. Other days, when I am dry, distracted,
obsessive, hassled, I might not hear anything. So it would be good to cultivate
the blog stack. And writing down things as I hear them, or divine them, or
sense them, would mean I would have a blog stack without needing to spend the
hour a day I spend on blogging (which means I could spend the extra hour to
return to writing books, which is where my heart really is).
There is one area of my life in which I lack wisdom—I simply
don’t know what to do!! I spent a couple of hours praying about this issue. If
Jesus was here, in the flesh, and I asked him what to do about it., I am sure
he would tell me. It’s a good desire, after his will. So, perhaps it just takes
faith and receptivity to be able to hear God’s guidance, when Jesus is not here
in the flesh.
I think we have a lot more wisdom and guidance at our
disposal that we don’t avail ourselves of because we do not slow down. So I
did, slowed down, about this long-standing question mark and puzzlement in my
life, and felt I heard God speak and tell me what to do. More later…
There are several things of interest to me in this story, not least the place of retreat itself. Also, when you talk about reading-speed, do you really mean the physical process, or is a concentration problem?
ReplyDeleteWhen people talk about God speaking to them, I am intrigued, and maybe a tad envious. I used to think that it wasn't something to be taken literally, but now know that some people do hear God's voice. My spiritual director always asks, "What is God saying to you now" and I struggle to answer, which upsets me.
Interesting too that your whole family goes on retreat
Reading speed--I had periods of severe exhaustion at various points in my life, and read slowly because of my exhaustion. Then, I became self-conscious and fearful about my reading speed which affected concentration. Have had prayer for this at various points, and believe it has been healed.
ReplyDeleteGod's voice--It sometimes comes in clear sentences, and sometimes as an impression. I have made lots of mistakes in recognising it in my teens, twenties, and even thirties, but though trial and error, success and failure, am better at knowing it when I hear it now. "My sheep hear my voice." Sometimes, I sort of "see" Christ, and sometimes have great trouble in discerning what I should do!
Our youngest daughter is 12, so can't really be left home alone. I think I would feel guilty leaving the kids to go off on retreat, and it was good for them too!