
Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Write down the Vision and Make it Plain

Write down the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it (Habakkuk 2:2).

Bill Johnson (in The Supernatural Power of a Transformed Mind: Access to a Life of Miracles) says he writes down God’s ideas and revelations about his life and other matters, as they are revealed to him.

I think I am going to change the way I write my blog and write down what I hear God say to me as he says it (rather than note down the idea in a single phrase to develop later, because later I often do not remember what I meant, and, unbelievable though it may seem at the time of vivid revelation, may not even remember all the details and fullness of the idea God gave me.)

In that way, writing down ideas as they occur to me, I might be able to develop my blog while, ironically, spending less time on it!!

That will be great, as I am really longing to go back to mainly writing books, rather than blogs (rather than mainly writing blogs).

John Piper writes that there are eyes in pencils and in pens. In writing down the vision, one sees it more clearly.

Before guests, or the cleaners arrive, bad housekeepers have a flurry of putting things back in the right place. The organized housekeeper does not have this; she has been tidying as she went along.

At present, I have been setting a dedicated hour a day to blog, and letting it spill over, if the post is not finished in an hour. However, if I keep “writing the vision, and making it plain,” God willing. I will no longer need to dedicate an hour to blogging, but will have a little stash of blog posts—which I have always yearned to have, but never managed to create.

I have been the kind of blogger who finishes writing, and then hits “publish,” and, generally speaking, posts written that way are more mediocre than those carefully written, rewritten and polished!

Writing God-whispers as you hear them. The exciting holy ground where a prophetic ministry (if that’s not being 

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