
Monday, 2 January 2012

See what God is blessing and join it (Bono)

I used to pray the way Bono says he did.

In countless ways, big and small, I was always seeking the Lord’s blessing. I'd be saying, "Look, I've got a new song...Would you look out [for it]. I have a family; I'm going away on tour -- please look after them. I have this crazy idea. Could I have a blessing on it?"

And then he said, 
A number of years ago, I met a wise man who changed my life. This wise man asked me to stop. He said, "Stop asking God to bless what you’re doing. Get involved in what God is doing -- because it’s already blessed. 

Bono decided to get involved with the poor, because, as he says, "God is always with the poor."

I believe we are all called to be a blessing to the poor--though some of us may have other vocations and callings, and we may be called to bless the poor with our money, rather than with our sweat.
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Interestingly, though, my thinking is similar to Bono's, though I think I came to my conclusion on my own.

When casting about for what to throw my energy, I try to see what God is already blessing. Where is his activity most evident?

When Jesus took the break, and broke it, 5 loaves fed 5 thousand. When he took the bread at the Last Supper, gave thanks, and broke it, and said, "This is my body," that body and that blood have spiritually fed millions. 

A supernatural increase which we couldn't possibly have brought about through our own efforts: I see that as a hallmark of God's blessing.
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When we decided that Roy should resign from his career as a mathematician, at which he was v. successful, to manage our publishing company, I saw a mental image of the river of God rushing and flowing into the publishing business. Going on in academia would almost be rowing against the stream. 

And indeed, the little company has been blessed over our wildest expectations. In the beginning, when we were rushed off our feet, Roy would wryly say to me, "Well, it's more than you asked, or dreamed of asking!!" 
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I am using that principle at the start of the New Year, with so many exciting projects into which I could conceivably pour my time and energy. What is God blessing? Where is his presence and power more apparent?

For me, at the moment, God's blessing, increase and multiplication seem to be most evident in my blog, and my new engagement with my Twitter friends and followers.

In a word, in writing. And I also plan to carve out time to work on a book!! :-)

I cry out like Jabez!

Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, “Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain.” And God granted his request. 1 Chron 4:10


  1. So pleased everything's going well for you... you sounbds really settled - it's great!

  2. Thanks Louise. Yes, I am camped beside still waters--whether for a season, or the rest of my life, I don't know. I am quite content.
    Do feel free to call or visit or email, if you would like someone to pray with, or to talk things over with. You sound happy in your new church.
    Love, Anita

  3. Will email you - be nice to see you again. Love Louise x


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