
Thursday, 27 September 2012

In Which He Loves Me Anyway

I’ve been fighting off a cold and a racking cough and flu since Saturday, and am generally not coming off too well in the battle. And the lack of sunlight and exercise is making me feel rather depressed.

And time is passing and I am not getting much done, and I look at the clock, and realize my day is not working out very well.

And that’s when it’s lovely to realize that God loves me when my day works out, and loves me when it doesn’t.

Loves me when he gives me blogs which are right at the first typing, and loves me when I spend hours on a post which flops,

Loves me when my house is a mess, and I am a mess, and loves me when we’re all shinily together.

Loves me! Loves me, loves me, loves me, just because he’s lovely.

The love of God, the love of God. It is indeed the great theme I could ponder forever, and just scratch its surface.

And so, instead, I’ll rest in it.


  1. Great simple and encouraging post, thank you :)

  2. Glad your feeling the Lords' love and resting in Him. Hope you feel better soon!

  3. So true. How He loves us.
    Hope you feel better.

  4. Thank you.
    HIS eye is on the sparrow.
    Take care

  5. Thanks so much, everyone. Am pretty much well, just need to get my energy and exercise levels back up again!!


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