1 Who am I ? by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Who am I? They often tell me
I stepped from my cell’s confinement
Calmly, cheerfully, firmly,
Like a squire from his country-house.
I stepped from my cell’s confinement
Calmly, cheerfully, firmly,
Like a squire from his country-house.
Who am I? They often tell me
I used to speak to my warders
Freely and friendly and clearly,
As though it were mine to command.
Who am I? They also tell me
I bore the days of misfortune
Equally, smilingly, proudly,
Like one accustomed to win.
Am I then really all that which
other men tell of?
Or am I only what I myself know of myself?
Restless and longing and sick, like a bird in a cage,
Struggling for breath, as though hands were
compressing my throat,
Yearning for colors, for flowers, for the voices of birds,
Thirsting for words of kindness, for neighborliness,
Tossing in expectation of great events,
Powerlessly trembling for friends at an infinite distance,
Weary and empty at praying, at thinking, at making,
Faint, and ready to say farewell to it all?
Or am I only what I myself know of myself?
Restless and longing and sick, like a bird in a cage,
Struggling for breath, as though hands were
compressing my throat,
Yearning for colors, for flowers, for the voices of birds,
Thirsting for words of kindness, for neighborliness,
Tossing in expectation of great events,
Powerlessly trembling for friends at an infinite distance,
Weary and empty at praying, at thinking, at making,
Faint, and ready to say farewell to it all?
Who am I? This or the other?
Am I one person today and tomorrow another?
Am I both at once? A hypocrite before others,
And before myself a contemptibly woebegone weakling?
Am I one person today and tomorrow another?
Am I both at once? A hypocrite before others,
And before myself a contemptibly woebegone weakling?
Or is something within me still like a beaten army,
Fleeing in disorder from victory already achieved?
Who am I? They mock me, these lonely questions of mine.
Whoever I am, Thou knowest, O God, I am Thine!
Written March 4th,
Let us,
dear brethren, try to get saturated with the gospel. I always find that I can
preach best when I can manage to lie a-soak in my text.
I like
to get a text, and find out its meaning and bearings, and so on; and then,
after I have bathed in it, I delight to lie down in it, and let it soak into
softens me, or hardens me, or does whatever it ought to do to me, and then I
can talk about it.
You need
not be very particular about the words and phrases if the spirit of the text
has filled you; thoughts will leap out, and find raiment for themselves.
saturated with spices, and you will smell of them; a sweet perfume will distill
from you, and spread itself in every direction; — we call it unction.
Do you
not love to listen to a brother who abides in fellowship with the Lord Jesus?
Even a few minutes with such a man is refreshing, for, like his Master, his
paths drop fatness. Dwell in the truth, and let the truth dwell in you. Be
baptized into its spirit and influence, that you may impart thereof to others.
If you
do not believe the gospel, do not preach it, for you lack an essential
qualification; but even if you do believe it, do not preach it until you have
taken it up into yourself as the wick takes up the oil. So only can you be a
burning and a shining light.
3 A
Christian Voice for Barack Obama from The Huffington Post.
4 Wes
Stafford, President of Compassion shares his terrible experience of religious,
spiritual, and physical abuse. Christianity Today.
Which comes first: Religion or Depression? Beliefnet.
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