
Friday, 24 August 2012

Praying in African

And here's my funniest moment from River Camp, the Pentecostal Family Camp I'm hanging out at.

  Irene, praying in baby language!
Irene was lying on the floor, trying "soaking prayer" with the adults for the first time ever. A lady came and prayed with her. "First she prayed in English, and then she prayed in African," said, Irene, 13.

"In African? Was she black?" I asked. "No, blonde," she said. 

I laughed. She was probably speaking in tongues. 

We attended a Charismatic church (St. Aldate's, Oxford) for 6 years, but since Irene went to children's church, I guess she's never heard glossolalia, or speaking in tongues, a gift I received when i was 17.

Which, incidentally, can sound beautiful, and exotic. I fancy it sounds like Persian!!


  1. That is precious. I often wish once a month, at least, we would have pentecostal, all church prayer meeting. I know a woman with a daughter the same age as my oldest. She was a single mom and had to the girl with her to prayer meetings. Sometimes as a young child, she curled up and slept on the pew. She has such a calm spirit and is working on her Masters for children's ministry. I wish I had been that brave.

  2. Oops, should have proofread before I hit the send. Blame it on the fever I have. She had to take her girl to the meetings. In fact, I could write that a lot better.

  3. Ooh, get well soon, Mollie!


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